Everything, when you break it down to it’s smallest bit, is energy.
Science tells us that subatomic electrical arrangements govern the shape
and texture of all things, each pattern having it’s own defined “frequency.”
That’s all anything is.
This Verse, like all the others, sings it’s own melody.
Sages have long discovered that, when broken down to the most base
components, everything is made up of the same frequencies arranged
in different patterns.
That’s all anything is.
As hard as it is to believe, the galaxy and everything it developed out of an expansion of heat and light that bonded to create the perfect environment for life. Somehow, heat and light created an ongoing evolutionary process. Heat and light formed a biological connection between plants and animals. Heat and light gave humanity the intelligence to appreciate the world around it. It’s a process that difficult to understand and impossible to replicate, yet here we are trying our best with this little thing we call “science.”
One must never underestimate the will of the Cosmos. The ingredients that created everything that is came from an intelligent light far beyond mortal comprehension. Attempting to fit such omniscient design into mortal comprehension is a fool’s errand, and so scholars have learned to never fully submit to the laws of logic. Much of the known world lies beyond our ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. We needed a word for the unexplainable ways we learned to interact with the world around us; we call it “magic.”
Through the lens of science we studied the world. We documented what was and wasn’t possible as we tested the elements. We discovered how to use electricity to hold information in silicon. We’ve turned crystals into computers, and inserted computers into biology. We’ve connected the world through a network of shared information, and with that information we’ve controlled the world.
A mage manipulates their environment by projecting their will into the Verse: They alter the vibrations of the world. It starts from within, gaining control over your own frequencies and energy arrangements. Usually a focus -such as a crystal in a staff or wand- helps guide the flow, and the mage creates a brief ripple in the universal law with their will.
The world provided us the tools and insight we needed to discover a digital existence; now computers are key to our world.
The Verse is a grand mystery that can never fully be solved. By accepting that energy has always been a conscious thing, and discovering our connection to it, magic has become key to our world.